Evan’s World
Evan’s World
blue cactus
Friday, January 5, 2007
General Info:
2 Byward Market, Ottawa
Why we chose here: Steve and I have actually been here *gasp* twice! Once was just a cute little date to try the place, the second time was for my birthday before going out. Both times we had horrendous waits, I don’t remember the food being THAT special, and service was nothing good to write home about... We chose Bluce Cactus because of its convenient and the hype around it being a hip-cool place to eat.
What we ate: I really can’t remember... I know I had a glace of Sauvignon Blanc and I’m pretty sure Steve had a beer.
Appetizer Choices: ?
Entrée Choices: I had fish...
Choice of Dessert: chocolate of some kind.
Stella next?
Blue Cactus is linked with Stella and Luxe.
Sarah’s Response:
Drinks: I had a glass of Sauvignon Blanc. This was back when I didn’t know THAT much about wine... Pretty good, it well enough with my meal. I can’t really talk much about the wine because I don’t remember it, the server didn’t suggest it, and the restaurant didn’t make it.
Appetizers: Probably shrimps or prawns. That’s normally what Steve and I get when we go out. None the less, it didn’t stick with me. This means either it was okay, nothing special, or I have a horrible memory.
Entree: I know for a fact I had fish. The blackend catfish sounds very familiar and I believe I had that both times I went. I remember it being good, and the flavors different. To be honest I remember it reminding me Moxies, but I’m not sure why.
Desserts: I most definitely had some form of chocolate something or other. I know it wasn’t Creme Brulee or else I would have remembered it. Same with if it was something very extravagant.
Top 3 Things to Rave About
1) Interesting Menu, there are interesting things to choose from. Perhaps overpriced? Fajitas are fajitas are fajitas, right?
Dislikes: Service is very rushed, to the point, and perhaps a bit snobby. I didn’t feel like my attendance mattered.
Réponse de Steve:
Moi et Sarah sommes aller a Blue Cactus à deux occasion, mais je parlerai seulement de la deuxième fois qui était pour ça fête en janvier 2007.
A ce moment je ne buvais seulement de la bière alors je crois que j’ai prix une Budweiser rien de spécial a dire.
Entrée: Je crois que moi et Sarah avions pris le calmar au cajun
Plat Principal: Je crois que j’avais prix le poulet cajun, je me souviens d’être vraiment plein à la fin alors des bonnes portions de viande mais j’avais trouvé ça un peu cher, j’aurais pu en avoir plus pour mon argent ailleurs je crois.
Dessert: Dessert je n’ai pas pris de dessert
3 Choses que j’aimer
En bref rien de trop mémorable j’y retournerais sur ment. Le manger y était bon.
Aime-pas: Nous avons du attendre très longtemps avant d’être assis le service était moyen